Welcome to My Life at the Inn

I live in an inn owned by my "parents". My parents are.... very.... sexually fluid and poly and  well... There are a LOT of us kids and who the fuck knows whose parent is whose and who was just a guest. In the end... the only thing that is consistent among my siblings is the High Moon Elven part. I am half-elven-human. Some of my siblings are wholly Elven. Roll a many-sided die to figure out what everyone else is. I get sick of being here and so I am often... away... out in the woods, out in the field, out in the town, by the town docks. I fancy myself quite the handsome rogue, thank you very much.

I am most often with my sisters Hala and Esta, more Hala as she usually helps get me out of uhm sticky situations. I abhor being chained, valuing freedom above all and for all. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who forge those chains. However, I am very ok with a certain asshole (bullied the crap out of me growing up) being imprisoned innocently for a crime I had actually committed. He can fuck himself and rot in that cell for the misery he wrought in my childhood. Thank you Hala for the help with that!

For a while now  I have trained with a spy guild, but I am not yet formally guilded. That comes with its own chains that I am not sure I want. Yet, I have learned some very useful skills. Part of my running away from the crowded Inn. And part in desperation to figure out how to open a certain trunk in the basement if the inn. You see, something important was taken from me, and i totally mean to get it back. I suspect it is locked in the trunk... by that bully, even tho he denies doing so. Well  I gained some new connections among the criminal and spy guilds. I often get prodded to become an assassin, but I am disinterested in murdering people. 

Generally, all things considered, I am very calm and steady. That doesn't mean I won't be silly, frustrated, or excited by things. It just means that in a pinch,bi can stay calm and focused no matter the situation. I am usually quiet and rarely raise my voice. There is a power in that. I like ti evaluate my situation for the best survival and to note where all the valuables are or are likely hidden. Know what to steal, when, and how to get out. Always.

More later, Journal.


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