Basement Trunk - 3M59

 It has been 26 other tries and I am sure I am missing something important... like... MAGIC. Time to call in a couple of my sisters. Oh Esta! Oh Hala! Fuck off Eric... you are not a fun sister with magic. (Eric is my very annoying and nosy 8-yr-old brother... and another reason to be away from home.)

I was RIGHT..... 3M58 times later. SIGH...I guess sometimes I do need help.

Magic was needed to open the trunk... well, not magic spells per se. A magic key. It took some hunting and magical tracking, but we found it in our parents room..... And Eric was there to annoy us! He threatened to tell our parents that we were sneaking into their room. I promised him a puppy for his silence. I big puppy he could keep in his room. Inside our parents room, we found the key in the stained glass window... practically invisible. It took a little, uhm... brutality.... to get it our of the window.

Back into the basement, the key did open the trunk, with Hala help. #3M59 and we have finally opened the basement trunk that has been here FOREVER! HUZZAH!!! And inside were three magical items: sword that Esta took, a circlet that Hala took, and a short cloak that I took. A quick little test and I have concluded that I have a Crystal Cloak. It is a rare magical items that makes me pretty much invisible if I am still and hooded. It also offers me some protection too! I am not yet sure what Esta and Hala's items do, but I am sure they will work that out very swiftly. I love my cloak. LOVE IT! It is even shimmery purple... like crystals and shadows. Before leaving, I closed and relocked the trunk and pocketed the key. The trunk might be useful one day in the future, but too cumbersome to cart around.... until I find a bag of holding! THAT is on my wishlist. I have seen little fist-sized pouch ones among the thieves. I guess those are ok, but they only hold really little things like coin and jewels and trinkets and poisons and stuff. I want something a bit bigger.

Next step... keeping my promise, as best I can, to Eric. That is important to me even if he is an annoying little shit. I went outside and looked over all the random dogs. Some were hunting dogs, some just strays, some still pups part of litters. I think one of our many siblings breeds dogs to sell. Whatever, I coaxed one I thot would be both gentle and obedient... and also fairly big. Hala was supposed to convince Dad to let Eric keep it... with the condition that Eric take CARE of it.

Now.... NOW... we leave this place! I am off into the woods to find a LEGEND! Esta and Hala came with.


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